How to Welcome the Aliens

We started our juggling careers by performing for events, i.e. shows created for a particular event: birthday, wedding, opening of a shopping mall, opening of the Thalys Paris-Brussels line, opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, etc.
For this show we will create our own event show, and therefore arbitrarily choose the event for which it will be created.
We choose: the arrival of the first aliens on Earth.
Our ambition is to lay the foundations of the show, in extremely concrete terms, from this point.
What do you propose during a welcome show? Typical things of the place where you are hosting? Or on the contrary, things known to the guests to reach out to them? Do we invite the notables, or do we make it a popular ball? Is there a welcome drink before the show? What can we offer to drink and see so that our guests feel at home?



De et avec : Jay Gilligan et Eric Longequel

Regard Extérieur : Johan Swartvagher

Lumière & Régie : Thibault Condy

Musique : David Maillard

Balles finales : Ivar Hecksher

Balles gravitationnelles : Ameron Rosvall

Discours : Jimmy Carter

Un grand merci à Greg Dubos pour ses conseils

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